Fakeback Determines the best performance typical under read-only conditions. Since all backup systems must WRITE, backup performance will usually be lower than this number (consider at least 1/2). However, new advanced programs may use sophisticated multi-thread programming techniques or optimised drivers for IO and it is possible for these to equal, sometimes exceed FakeBack. Therefore,…
eSATA Driver uninstall reinstall script This file contains a batch file and the devcon utility which you can use to uninstall and reinstall your eSATA card drivers with one command from the command line. Or, you make an icon to run it also. Occasionally for reasons the chip makers can not explain, on certain systems,…
NetSwap/RAIDFrame Plus Software Version 2.17 Update This is the software version 2.17 update for NetSwaps/RAIDFrame Plus devices with software version 2.16 and older. For devices with software version 2.12 or later you should be able to use the ‘Check for Updates’ menu option from the NetSwap web interface to download and install the update directly…
High-Rely-USB-Installer- This program will install a NetSwap/RAIDFrame Plus or BNAS Restore Key image onto a USB Flash drive. Two gigabyte or larger USB Flash drive required (there should have been one included with your system).
Compatibility / Recommended Hardware Lists The list that follows are drives that have been tested and are known to work with our systems. This list is not all inclusive and there may be drives that are not on this list that are compatible with our systems but have not been tested by Highly Reliable Systems.…