High-Sync allows you to completely manage profiles via the command line.

You can create High-Sync.exe or High-Sync_Service.exe with the command line parameters shown on this page. High-Sync_Service.exe is only able to run standard jobs, while High-Sync.exe can perform all of the following actions. High-Sync_Service.exe is not as serious and it can run totally invisible, as well as report progress to the main GUI.

Command Line Examples for ‘Running a Job’ on Windows:

  • Run a job minimized:
    High-Sync.exe /RUNX=”Profile Name” /S /M
  • Run a job invisible, but with progress reporting to the GUI:
    High-Sync_Service.exe /RUNX=”Profile Name” /S /M /P /T

On Mac, you are able to use the command line parameters in a shell script. An example:
Open ./High-Sync.app –args /RUNX=”Profile Name” /U

In addition, you can use the new High-SyncCL command line tool. It is found in the Contents/MacOS, inside the High-Sync.app folder. You could use it there directly, or copy it to a more convenient location. It takes the same parameters mentioned prior.

Parameters for ‘Running a Job’

  • /RUN=”Profile Name” and /RUNX=”Profile Name”
    With these options, you can create a specific profile from the command line for immediate execution. /RUN= starts the profile and leaves the program running. /RUNX= starts the profile and exits the program after the profile has been executed.
    You can use the asterisk wildcard at the end of this option, for example:
    /RUN=* or /RUNX=* or /RUNX=Office*
    You can also add this to cause a shutdown when done, by adding /SHUTDOWN
  • /O (Show only results.)
    Runs the job without High-Sync Preview, but shows a dialog with the results.
  • /U (Unattended mode.)
    The profile is started and executed without further user interaction. When this option is not specified, the file list is being shown, but the actual synchronization must be started manually. In unattended mode, the program will only show an error message if one of the synchronization paths cannot be accessed.
  • /S (Silent mode.)
    Like /U, but there will not be any error messages.
  • /M (Minimized mode.)
    The program is minimized to the system tray, while executing the profile. This option implies /U.
  • /P (Progress reporting – High-Sync_Service.exe only.)
    High-Sync_Service.exe will report progress information to the main program, in the same way the scheduler starts background jobs.
  • /T (Run in threads – High-Sync_Service.exe only.)
    High-Sync_Service.exe will run the job in a separate thread rather than in the main process thread, in the same way the scheduler starts background jobs, when the option ‘Start profiles in parallel’ is selected.
  • /LEFT=”Folder Path”
    Allows you to specify a left path that is different from the one stored with the profile.
  • /RIGHT=”Folder Path”
    Allows you to override the profile’s right path.
  • /MASK=”File1.txt;*.doc”
    Allows you to override the profile’s inclusion masks, or simply specify one, or more, files to copy.
  • /EXCL=”*.bak”
    Allows you to override the profile’s exclusion masks.
  • /SHUTDOWN (Windows only)
    Shutdown after running the profile(s) specified with /RUNX=”Profile Name”.
    The sub-folder selection dialog is shown prior to running the job. The selection that is made is not saved permanently unless you also specify the /SAVE parameter. Alternatively, you can add /SAVEONLY in order to save the new selection without running the job. In all situations, the profile name should be specified with /RUNX, even if you use /SAVEONLY.

General-Purpose Parameters

  • /INI=”Path to configuration file”
    Specifies the configuration file to be used. For example:
  • /IMPORT=”Path to XML or CSV file”
    Import profiles from XML, or CSV. To find out how to make such files, please create a sample profile and export it by right-clicking it on the ‘Profile Overview.’

Command Line Parameters for Managing Profiles

The command line, to create any given profile, can be seen by creating it manually first, then going to ‘Information>Show Profile Details…’ in the profile editor.
An example:
High-Sync.exe ADD /Name=”Documents Backup” /Left=”C:\Users\Me\Documents” /Right=”D:\Backup\Docs” /L2R /Deletes /ReplaceNewer /MaxParallelCopiers=2

Alternatives to ADD are:
RUN (creates & runs a job without creating a permanent profile)
DELETE “Profile Name” (deletes a profile)
CHANGE “Profile Name” (changes an existing profile, keeping any existing settings which are not set on the command line)
RENAME “Old Profile Name” “New Profile Name”

ADD can be used to completely replace an existing profile with new settings.