High-Sync is a simple Windows based backup/sync program that can be run as a scheluded service to regularly update files in a wide variety of ways.  One license is included free with each RNAS windows based removable drive NAS products or may be purchased separately to run on any Windows machine.

64 bit version of High-Sync

32 bit version of High-Sync:

Notable upgrades and bug fixes in 8.23 include:

  • The .sz format is an optional proprietary alternative to the existing .zip format. New .sz file format – allows uploading compressed and encrypted files without local temp files or disk space needed. Adds direct compression and AES encryption to cloud storage.  The .sz format features optional ultrafast compression, or extra strong compression, and huge AES encryption speeds.
  • Adds native support for Google Cloud Storage (v8.05).
  • Adds support for PCloud (v8.06).
  • Fast block level copying with the new File System Monitoring service (Windows only).  See more information below.
  • Adds PascalScript as an integrated scripting language which allows you to customize and add profile behavior in many ways. For example PascalScript allows to customize job functionality and e-mail notifications.
  • Subfolder selection can now be set to automatically include future new files and folders.
  • OneDrive and SharePoint folder listings are now done via fast “changes” based technology, rather than scanning the complete folder hierarchy every time.
  • Other New Features in version 8 and above

    • Adds a context menu item “Show Detailed Progress or Results in Browser” for each profile in the Profile Overview in Advanced Mode. This will allow you to see a copying progress window for background jobs similar to what is shown in attended mode (v8.11).
    • The subfolder selection dialog has a new checkmark “Automatically Add Future New Folders and Files to Selection”
    • AES encryption speed with zip files also much improved.
    • Uploads to Google Drive can now preserve folder timestamps (Comparison->More->Folder Timestamps).
    • new icon
    • supports Amazon S3 Inventories
    • updated libraries (such as SFTP with more algorithms)

    The new File System Monitoring Service (Windows only)

    • The new File System Monitoring Service can record a list of changed blocks in order to improve block level updating of mirrored files.
    • Choose this new feature on the Special tab sheet.
    • Block level copying is now fast, without the need for tedious MD5 checksum calculations. When Syncovery starts the job, it will already know which blocks need to be copied.
    • The new setting “Detect Changes Via File System Monitoring Even If Timestamps Unchanged” can now be used instead of “Always copy, even if timestamp unchanged”.
    • The Remote Service Control Panel is now the Auxiliary Services Control Panel, where you can configure the File System Monitoring service too. In most cases, you do not have to make any settings there.
    • See also the new “Mode 0” below:

      High-Sync can detect which parts of a larger file have changed, and copy only the changed blocks rather than the complete file. This feature works similar to Rsync (but it’s not the same).

      Copying only the changed blocks can save bandwidth and time, especially over a slow connection. When copying between local disks or in a LAN environment, it can save bandwidth too, but may not always save much copying time, because the source file has to be read in its entirety every time in order to determine the changed blocks.

      Only block-oriented file types are eligible for block-level copying. These include database files such as SQL or Outlook PST, as well as drive images and virtual hard disk images (VMs). Stream-based files, on the other hand, will usually cause all blocks to be changed whenever they are modified (for example text documents, spreadsheets, zip files, and photos). Thus block-level copying won’t be able to save much bandwidth with stream-based files.

      In High-Sync, block-level copying is sometimes also called “Partial File Updating”. In many cases, you need to choose only the checkmark “Block Level Copying”, which is on the Special settings category in the profiles (in Advanced Mode).

      The program needs to have fast access to at least one of the sides of the synchronization (except for Mode 0). The other side may be a low-bandwidth connection. If you are using an Internet Protocol, please note that only SSH/SFTP supports block-level updating directly. The other protocols can only be used with Synthetic Backup (see further down below).

      Please note: Block level copying with SSH/SFTP has only been implemented for uploads, not downloads.

      Partial File Updating can work in three different ways:


Amazon Inventories

Amazon S3 Inventories. On the second tab sheet of the Internet Protocol Settings dialog, please choose “Use S3 Inventories”.

To make Amazon generate these Inventories, go to the AWS S3 Management Console and refer to the screenshot below.

Inventory Name: your free choice
Filters: empty, or specify the folder you need
Destination Bucket: must be the same bucket that is listed
Destination Prefix: must be empty