10 Reasons Tape Sucks for Backup

    Through the course of a long career I have worked with many, many types of tape systems and consider myself a reasonably knowledgeable user of these systems. I have come to believe that tape doesn’t belong in any serious backup strategy if an alternative can be found, specifically removable hard disk systems like…

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NetSwap 200 Illustrated


The NetSwap 200 Difference from other NAS products.   NetSwap 200 is our most widely sold NAS product. Yet, with so many other NAS platforms to choose from, it’s hard to quickly understand the NetSwap 200 difference and possibilities. The NetSwap line offers the best of Cloud and removable drive technologies.  We offer this graphic to help illustrate…

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Got Data Clog Problems?

Solve it with HR’s SpeedSeed(tm). A “Data Clog” can occur when one NAS device is replicating data to a cloud service or another NAS device through the internet, and it is interrupted. This can occur because of flakey internet connections, bandwidth issues, power failures, user error, etc. Often this results in a bulge of growing…

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10 Reasons why Removable Drives are Better for BackUp than Cloud or Conventional NAS/BDRs

Removable drives are better than cloud services and conventional NAS/BDRs for Data BackUp because: 1. They are invulnerable to remote or virus attacks (when removed). It’s simple, it can’t be manipulated, deleted, or otherwise hacked  if it’s powered off or sitting unattached somewhere.  And removable drives can provide archive depth that not only dates back…

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